Tuesday 23 June 2015

So in light of WildTurtle's recent benching, I think I've figured out how this might actually be a good thing for Team SoloMid. 

This is definitely not because I first picked him and XiaoWeiXiao this split in Fantasy LCS and was expecting him to do substantially better and get me far more points and generally crush the hopes and dreams of my fantasy enemies. Nor does it have anything to do with the pillars of salt that my hopes and dreams dissolved into when he got absolutely shit on by Doublelift in the first weeks of fantasy. No, this has absolutely nothing to do with Fantasy LCS. This is something else entirely.

WildTurtle is Illuminati. 

Now I'm sure you've all heard the jokes that "Napoleon is literally Hitler" or "Comcast is run by Nazis" or how apparently "jet fuel can't melt steel beams." I'm sure you think that I'm just joking when I say that anyone on TSM can be affiliated with such a vile organization such as the Illuminati. Hell, Reginald used to not allow players on social media because he was worried about the image of his brand or something. So it makes no sense that someone on TSM would be an Illuminatist. Right?


Let's take a closer look at the facts.
1) WildTurtle is an ADC player. You know who else is an ADC player? Doublelift. Doublelift is on CLG, which is notorious for having "potential." Potential you say? The formula for potential energy is GPE = mgh, where m = mass, g = gravity and h = height. Gravity? That's a LCS team! Who is on Gravity? Hauntzer, Move, Keane, Altec and Bunny Fu Fuu. Bunny is widely known as a Thresh god, and who got him this title? Hi im gosu, who is widely speculated to be a girl. Who is Gosu's trademark champion? Vayne - just like Piglet, who played on SKT T1 and won Season 3 Worlds. And which lane does Piglet play in? The bot lane. That's our first clue. B
2) WildTurtle is on Team SoloMid - the most popular League team in the world. SoloMid - which corresponds to the position! Who is TSM's midlaner - Bjergsen, who came to NA from Europe. Who else did this? Dexter - on CLG. When Dexter was on CLG, Seraph was on the team - a Korean who plays for TDK now. TDK - Team Dragon Knights. Who is a "dragon knight?" Shyvana, who has 7 letters in her name. The letter in the middle? A "v." And what is next to "v" in the alphabet? U. 
3) WildTurtle has won a LCS split title, making his team one of the four teams that has managed to acquire this incredibly coveted title. The other three teams being Fnatic, Alliance and Cloud 9. Disregarding Cloud 9 because EU > NA, the initials of these three teams spell out FAT. Now we all know that you can get fat by eating too much. Similarly, Gragas in League is considered to be a fat champion, and the newly announced champion - Tahm - has abilities that allow him to eat his allies and opponents. "Gragas" has two "g's" - as in "gg," or good game. Tahm most likely comes from potamos, the Greek word for river. Put "gg" and "river" together to get "gg river," which doesn't sound like much of a combination to be honest. However, if you replace the final "r" in "river" with an "n," you get "gg riven" - something that only a toxic player in League would say. Toxicity is a common trait among poison types in Pokemon - a Japanese game. Japan has a single sun on their flag, and since we've already discussed the "u" in the sun in the previous suggestion, and the "n" is obviously where the "n" in "gg riven" came from, that leaves the "s" as the next letter.
4) Lastly, WildTurtle is often known for his mispositioning and over-aggressiveness, often being referred to as "TSM's primary engage." Engage? The word contains two "e's" - like famous Dota player EternalEnvy - the captain of Cloud 9 Dota! Cloud 9 in League has 5 legendary players - Balls, Meteos, Hai, Sneaky and LemonNation. However, we can disregard Balls, Meteos and LemonNation because they're not carry players the same way WildTurtle is. That leaves only Sneaky and Hai as possible choices. Sneaky seems irrelevant because he's actually a good ADC in NA, as opposed to WildTurtle. That leaves Hai. Which letter does his name start with? H
5) Lastly, we take a look at WildTurtle's statistics this split to see if we can complete the code. According to this article (http://www.goldper10.com/article/1855-breaking-down-tsms-adc-problem.html), Turtle's KDA this split was 3.50, his damage % was 21.7% and his damage per minute was a measly 410. Now take a closer look at these numbers. 3 x 5 = 15, and 4 x 1 = 4. Now remove the ones from the equation, and we're left with "5" and "4." Add those together, and you get... 9. Now let's take a look at 21.7%. 2 + 1 + 7 = 10. Adding the one that we took away from 15 earlier... and we get 11. 

Isn't it obvious?

B U S H 9 11
BUSH DID 9/11. 

tl;dr bush did 9/11 and hitler owns comcast

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